Sunday, 14 March 2010

The Skids fans are given a warm welcome

Dunfermline will be amass with Skids fans tomorrow as "Skidders" from all over arrive in oor wee toon to attend the sell out show at the Alhambra Dunfermline on Saturday 6th March.
Skids fans are already making arrangements to meet in various different pubs in Dunfermline an article in this weeks press highlighted that The Old Inn at 13 Kirkgate Dunfermline has shown its loyalty to Dunfermline's finest by providing Skids music and Video on the afternoon of the gig.
The owner of The Old Inn has said that himself and his staff are massive Skids fans and have enjoyed the company of Bruce, Jamie and Sandra on many occasions as well as having a few beers with Stuart in the past.
The Old Inn can also boast to having the highest amount of Skids songs available on their FREE jukebox and have now made the effort to make sure that even more Skids music and video will be available on the 6th March.The Old Inn also serves great home made food available all afternoon, so for a pre-gig warm up it is ideal, a good meal, a few beers, some Skids music and video to get the juices flowing, and its only a 5 minute walk from the Alhambra, families are welcome so if you are bringing your kids to the gig thats not a problem.
To arrange your food or put your song request in please call 01383 729 050
or mobile number 07771 610 163 and ask for Mark
the skids

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